Searching the Haight for Signs of Life

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Home at Last, But Not Home-Free

My travel plans went slightly awry, and here I am in Santa Cruz at Dan's early. So I am essentially home, but have no permanent place to live as of yet. Home, but not home-free.

Since I got in this morning, just as Dan was heading out to work, I have showered and tooled around on the computer, staying awake so I can get a good night's sleep tonight and be on the same normal human being schedule as my friends here.

Now, the only thing left to do is to try and find an apartment before Arlo Silverman's bris in eight short days. Brian told me Phyllis delivered a beautiful baby boy last night, complete with all fingers and toes and other necessary apparatus.

Back to the jungle of Craigslist for me now and a few more hours of wakefullness. No telling what you will find on that thing. At least some things in the housing department are obvious no goes.


At 12:37 AM, Blogger Goodsoul said...

Glad you made it safely there. Thinking about you. Check out my Goodsoul Blues if you get a minute.

Love you son,



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